Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Check Computer 64-bit

'Check Computer 64-bit

Private Type SYSTEM_INFO

dwOemID As Long

dwPageSize As Long

lpMinimumApplicationAddress As Long

lpMaximumApplicationAddress As Long

dwActiveProcessorMask As Long

dwNumberOrfProcessors As Long

dwProcessorType As Long

dwAllocationGranularity As Long

dwReserved As Long

End Type

Private Declare Function IsWow64Process
Lib "kernel32" _

(ByVal hProcess As Long,
ByRef Wow64Process As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetCurrentProcess
Lib "kernel32" () As Long

Private Declare Sub GetNativeSystemInfo
Lib "kernel32" _

(lpSystemInfo As SYSTEM_INFO)

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim Ret As Long

IsWow64Process GetCurrentProcess, Ret

If Ret = 0 Then

MsgBox "This application is not running on an x86 emulator for a 64-bit


Dim SysInfo64 As SYSTEM_INFO

GetNativeSystemInfo SysInfo64

MsgBox "Number of processors on your 64-bit system: " +

End If

End Sub



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